Our details

The data controller in respect of our website is Fredrik Lack AB, registered in Stockholm, Sweden, company number 559127-4302. To contact the data controller, please use our contact form, e-mail fredrik@sthlm.io or by phone +46 733 73 09 41.

Your personal data

We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to respond to any questions you may have and to provide the products and services you have requested from us. Your personal information will never be shared with third parties for marketing purposes and will not be used by us for marketing purposes without your explicit consent.

Data collected

Contact form

When you contact us using our contact form, you will be voluntarily providing us with your personal information. The information you enter in the contact form is encrypted, as you can see from the padlock icon in the address bar of your browser, and is sent to us by email. While we have implemented encryption to ensure secure transmission of your personal information, Internet-based data transmissions may in principle have security gaps, so absolute protection may not be guaranteed. For this reason, you are always welcome to contact us via alternative means, such as by telephone.

Services used


We use GleSYS AB as our primary hosting provider, running Kubernetes on KVM servers in STO (Stockholm, Sweden). Data in transit between servers is secured with WireGuard. Security is our top priority, and we firmly believe in storing data within Sweden and partnering with Swedish and European companies.

Mailgun Technologies, Inc

To improve the reliability of sending email from our website to our mail server, we use Mailgun Technologies, Inc, who are based in the USA and are participants in the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework. Mailgun will retain all data included in your contact form messages in log files on their server. This data is retained only for the purposes of delivering the email and providing us with information should there be a problem with the delivery. It will not be shared with third parties for marketing purposes. All data is processed and stored in their EU region.

Your rights

In accordance with European law under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have numerous rights in regards to the personal data we hold about you, including:

  • Right to confirmation – you have the right to know if we hold personal data that concerns you
  • Right to access – you have the right to view and to obtain a copy of any personal data we hold that concerns you
  • Right to rectification – you have the right to the correction of any inaccuracies within the personal data we hold that concerns you
  • Right to erasure – you have the right to have your personal data removed from our systems

Should you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the contact form, e-mail fredrik@sthlm.io or by phone +46 733 73 09 41.